London Borough of Lewisham
Civil, Structural and Transport Engineer

Catford Masterplan

Civic Engineers, alongside Studio Egret West, Carl Turner Architects and Greengage have been commissioned by Lewisham Council to lead a major initiative to help shape the future vision of Catford town centre.
Catford was identified in the Mayor’s London plan as an opportunity and intensification area which means it has scope for growth, regeneration and renewal.

Redevelopment proposals for numerous sites including Laurence House, the Old Town Hall, the Catford Shopping Centre and Milford Towers, will be explored to provide new town centre, leisure, culture, retail and community uses as well as workspace and new homes.

As part of the consultant team, Civic Engineers are working with the council and Team Catford and the community to produce a masterplan, which will be both aspirational and deliverable, commercially-based, and informed by a thorough understanding of the retail, residential and leisure market in Catford town centre. A significant aspiration of the project will be to transform the South Circular gyratory by rerouting this major strategic route as well as the interchange of Catford and Catford Bridge stations to release higher quality public realm. The aspiration is to create a more welcoming town centre environment where people want to live, visit and socialise in in the new open spaces.

Civic Engineers are providing transport and civil engineering and structural advice to inform and provide an understanding of the constraints and opportunities required to unlock the regeneration and public realm potential of Catford into the future.

Key info
Catford Masterplan