London Borough of Haringey
Civil Engineer

White Hart Lane, London

The London Borough of Haringey(LBH) is a diverse, fast changing borough, going through a period of sustained growth and regeneration. The White Hart Lane Station and public realm improvement scheme is one of the pioneer projects of the wider Tottenham Hotspur stadium area redevelopment Master Plan which will see significant change over the next 10 years.

Along with Muf Architecture, Civic Engineers have been appointed by LBH to deliver solutions for improving the public realm around White Hart Lane and the Station. Through traffic engineering design, pavement realignment and the introduction of SuDs, Civic Engineers are setting out to prioritise and improve the environment for pedestrians, to increase the desirability for cyclists to use the area and to allow social spaces and activities to colonise reclaimed carriageway.

Key info
White Hart Lane, London