Active Challenge – Day 4 – Clocking up the miles!
The health benefits of walking, cycling and being outdoors are well known and there is much talk, (and competition amongst some), about how many steps are done in a day, are 10,000 enough and dissecting the Strava summary! Today, for Day 4, we asked you to share with us how you’ve clocked up the miles / km or steps for the day and let’s see where you’ve been and how tough it has been!
Joking aside with the competition over steps and miles, the link between redesigning our streets / towns and cities and the longer term benefits to public health aren’t talked about as much as we think they should be. If we can make our streets safer, greener, more people focussed, and beautifu,l so people want to spend more time there, so that they want to walk, scoot or cycle more, it will help them be healthier, more active and improve their mental wellbeing! It’s this link that is fundamental to everything we do at Civic Engineers and that’s why our vision is about engineering to have a positive impact on the environment and enable people to live happier and healthier lives.