20th May 2024

Billy Brand to join ‘material matters’ expert panel at Social Value Live 2024


Billy Brand, senior structural engineer in our Leeds studio, has joined the line-up of industry experts for Building’s Social Value Live 2024 virtual conference.

Billy will join an online panel exploring ‘material matters: navigating the human impact of materials in construction.’

Taking place on Thursday 16th May from 11am – 12pm online, the panel will delve into the link between materials and the positive impact they can have on our environment, and the happiness, health and wellbeing of communities.

Drawing on research and case studies, the panellists will explore the wide-ranging benefits of human-centric design and use of materials. They will lift the lid on topics such as the credentials of retrofit and reuse of heritage sites, sensitive refurbishment and use of materials such as timber and straw bales in new builds.

Joining Billy on the panel will be Rachel Basha-Franklin, founder and principal director at Basha-Franklin; Paul Bulkeley, design director at Snug Architects, and Hollie Tye, specification editor at Building Design.

Hosted in collaboration with Building Design and Housing Today, Social Value Live 2024 will explore issues around communities, delivering social impact through housing, the role of materials and creating legacy. Register for your free place here.

Image credit to Hawkins\Brown.

Billy Brand to join ‘material matters’ expert panel at Social Value Live 2024