Kieran Lyons

Graduate Civil and Transport Engineer

With a 6-week internship under my best, having graduated from Bristol in the class of 22 with an award-winning MEng (Hons) degree (awards include Deloitte Haskins and Sells prize and Southwestern Association of the ICE prize), I returned to the foray of Civic Engineers.

Initially joining as a member of the transport team, I was soon called into action to expand my skillset. I take great pleasure in using my ever-expanding knowledge to help better design spaces for the use of people. I have a strong belief that diligent urban planning and design with the use of nature-based solutions has the potential to make people not only healthier but happier as well.

Having the opportunity to use my job to push for sustainability in the world and to help tackle some of the big problems of the day – climate change, flooding, car-dominance, affordable housing, etc. – where I can is something that I cherish.

Words and sports are my bread and butter. I am an animated sports fan (‘England (general), Chelsea, Civic – In that Order’) and it is one of my major topics of conversation. When there is a sporting tournament on, other plans get put on hold. Outside of the sporting world I am a keen reader, having embarked to read 52 books this year (2023) and currently sitting at 72 (06.10.23).

Whilst attending Kendal Calling 2022, I was privileged to watch the England vs Germany Euros final with a few thousand of my peers – a moving experience that elicits those feelings of pride and joy in a way that only sport can.

Kieran Lyons