Civic Services
- Civil Engineering
- Earthworks design and terrain modelling
- SuDS and water management – strategy and design to construction
- Flood Risk Assessment - strategy, modelling and design for climate resilience
- Highway design – planning, design to construction, statutory approvals
- Utilities infrastructure – planning, design, BIM modelling and coordination
- Active travel infrastructure
- Principal Designer role, contract administration and supervision
- Structural Engineering
- Building structures of all types, cross sector
- Heritage and listed structures
- Tall Buildings
- Timber engineering
- Bridges
- BIM, computational design, parametric modelling
- Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA)
- Temporary Works
- SER Certification
- Building Safety Act – safety case reports
- Transport, Movement and Highways
- Site feasibility and due diligence
- Masterplan advice: access, movement and servicing strategies
- Transport Statements and Assessments
- Highways planning & design, junction capacity modelling & swept path assessment
- Car and cycle parking strategies - layout and management; evidence-based rationales to support low car parking levels
- Walking and Cycling Audits; Healthy Streets Assessments
- Travel Planning
- Environmental Statement Transport Chapters & data for Air Quality and Noise Assessments
- Planning conditions - defining and negotiating
- Construction Logistics Plan
- Delivery and Servicing Management Plans
- Waste Strategies
- Statutory Approvals
- Building Services Engineering
- Mechanical Design
- Electrical Design
- Public health design
- Vertical Transportation
- Utility Services
- Dynamic Thermal Modelling
- Part L Building Regulations Compliance
- Part O Overheating
- Energy Performance Certificates & SAP Calculations
- Daylight & Sunlight
- Part G Water Calculations
- Utilities Master Planning Strategy and Statements
- Environmental Sustainability
- Energy and Sustainability Strategies and Statements
- Whole Life-Cycle Carbon (WLC) and Embodied carbon assessment
- Circular Economy – design for disassembly and reassembly
- Material audit and passporting
- Nature-based solutions – strategy to construction stage services
- Active travel – strategy to construction stage services
- Net Zero Carbon – design guidance, target setting and monitoring
- Water and Nutrient Neutrality Statements
- BREEAM consultancy
- Passivhaus Consultancy
- Geoconsultancy
- Geotechnical design, modelling and reporting
- Geoenvironmental design, modelling and reporting
- Site investigation
- Soil health & function
- Material management & reuse
- Archaeology and Built Heritage
- Archaeological Desk-based Assessments (DBA), Historic Environment Assessment
- Historic Building Survey – drone surveys, laser scanning with post-production, walkover surveys
- EIA input and ES Chapters
- Heritage Statements and Impact Assessments
- Heritage Impact Assessments & Statements of Significance
- Project Designs, Written Scheme of Investigation
- Intrusive and Non-intrusive Fieldwork
- Watching Briefs
- Post-excavation analysis, publications and information panels
- Community Engagement
- New Practice : Place Experts
- Community engagement and strategies
- meanwhile use, early activation
- Retrofit & reuse of buildings
- Social Value consultancy
- Public Art Strategies