8th September 2016

Next Phase of Chesterfield Waterside to Commence in September

Work is about to begin on the next phase of the £320million Chesterfield Waterside Scheme. The enabling works package will commence in September, with development platforms being created to support the proposed development of the areas of the site, known as Basin Square and The Park.

We have been the lead engineer on the project since 2009 when we worked alongside the design team including EDAW, How Planning and our client Chesterfield Waterside Limited, to produce the masterplan for the mixed use development of the 14 hectare brownfield site.

The first phase of development saw the construction of the new canal basin that will sit at the heart of Basin Square. The enabling works package which is due to start on site involves a significant earthworks exercise including the movement of material from the Basin Square area of the site to form a noise bund along the western boundary of the The Park to facilitate proposed residential development. We have developed the detail of the package in line with the infrastructure strategy that we prepared to support the outline planning application, which aims to achieve a cut and fill balance across the development site.

Additional progress with the Chesterfield Waterside scheme includes the recent granting of planning permission to replace the road bridge over the River Rother on the former Laver timber yard site which will serve the future residential development and the submission of a planning application for the works required to re-open a stretch of the Chesterfield canal.  You can read more about this scheme here:

Next Phase of Chesterfield Waterside to Commence in September