
Northfield Grove, Edinburgh

City of Edinburgh Council
Civil Engineer
Urban Infrastructure
Active travel
Raeburn Farquhar Bowen

We are helping transform Northfield Grove, a social-housing estate, into a climate-adapted neighbourhood. Through innovative design, we are helping to create attractive, multi-functional green infrastructure and sustainable rainwater drainage providing a rich environment within which residents and nature can flourish.

We are providing civil engineering advice and design on the environmental improvements to Northfield Grove in support of the City of Edinburgh Council objectives to help create strong, sustainable and healthier communities so as to ensure all residents can enjoy a high quality of life and to improve the environment in and around the city for the benefit of future generations in a rapidly changing climate.

The key aims of the project are to enhance street environments in the Northfield Grove area with hard and soft landscaping solutions; enhancing local walking, wheeling and cycling connectivity; transform the area into a desirable, high quality, vibrant and sustainable local community. In addition, the works will implement improved play areas for children of various ages encouraging a safe and engaging environment in which the community can fee a part of. Works will also seek to improve parking areas ensuring accessibility for all.

We will help deliver statutory approvals such as planning and relevant road amendments approvals and hold discussions with Scottish Water and SEPA around drainage. A core element of the project is the installation of raingardens, which we will design alongside RFB and the Green Action Trust to manage and control surface water runoff from the existing and proposed parking areas as well as the adjacent apartment building roofs.

Images courtesy of Raeburn Farquhar Bowen

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